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Tuesday 17 September 2024

Book recommendations for new arrivals

Since Covid a large number of disenchanted Novus Ordo laity have found their way both to The Resistance and the SSPX. Objectively it's great news and an enormous blessing. It rejuvenates 'old timers' and brings fresh enthusiasm for the fight. It goes without saying that problems can arise when a large number arrive at once and carry baggage from their time in the Novus Ordo. However, that's not a problem in every chapel and thankfully many are more than willing to do what it takes to reject previous errors and educate themselves as to what they have been missing. 

The SSPX recently wrote on potential pitfalls among those new to Tradition, pointing out the potential for their faith to go only 'so deep' and voiced concerns about how their direction comes from other online 'truth seekers' not seasoned clerics or those with years of experience. Available at the following  

Its a reasonable point and whilst chortling at the potential of red pilled newbies embarrassing the latest conciliar bishop throwing his hat in the direction of the new SSPX, it is something to be aware of. With this in mind I have put together the list below as someone who has been in Tradition for close to thirty years. There are such a wide variety of books available that, without some guidance, where would one start? I have made a list of twenty* books  to help those in the above position mentioned. This collection is not an effort to pass some imaginary 'Resistance litmus test of orthodoxy' as many will disagree with both book and author. Instead it is an effort to make life a little easier for those on a journey using my own experience of a long life of reading traditional writings.

*I have to own up to cheating by adding a few trilogies etc amongst the 'twenty' (what a choleric) .. Plenty of room on the bookshelf once the JPII books are on the fire!

I have not included spiritual works as such, as these books often should be chosen in conjunction with ones priest. Some laity need fire and damnation regularly brought to mind, others gentle coaching. Therefore they are purposely left out of this list.

1. Fr Lasance Missal. Whilst not essential, as any 1962 or previous missal would suffice, however if wanting to start with the best, it's definitely the go to.

2. Douay Rheims bible. No question.

3. Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ludwig Van Ott. A reference not a page turner. Great for understanding where our beliefs originate.

4. Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture. By Bishop Knecht. Originally made for students but a wonderful book explaining scripture for both student and parent.

5. Radio Replies (trilogy) by Fr's Rumble and Carty. Questions and answers on the faith. Really solid. There is a fourth but it's sadly contaminated by modern teaching.

6.My Catholic Faith. By Bishop Morrow. Nice, simple instruction for those raised with catechesis in the modern church.

7. Questions and Answers (SSPX) Almost a companion to the Radio Replies series but geared towards problems since the revolution in the Church.

8. The Dr David Allen White trilogy.  The three biographies (Lefebvre, De Castro-Mayer and Williamson) All essential reading to put the fight for tradition into historical context. Why on earth aren't the first two available as ebooks?! A great apostolic work for someone.

9. Work of human hands by Fr Anthony Cekada. The ultimate history and analysis of the Novus Ordo mass.

10. Fr Hector Bolduc; Defender of the Catholic Tradition. Thomas Summers. Wonderful example of the work that one good priest can achieve in a lifetime. Plenty of mistakes made, but what an inspiration. 

11. Framework of a Christian State. Fr Edward Cahill. Concise examination of how a Catholic state should be run.

12. Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World. Fr Denis Fahey. Instead of vision chasing and obsession with every aspect of conspiracy theory, every catholic should study this book and everything will be revealed in one volume!

13. Against the Heresies by Archbishop Lefebvre. So many to choose from by the great Archbishop but in the context of this list I thought this excellent examination and expansion on the great encyclicals to be the best choice.

14. To Build the City of God by Brian McCall. Whilst I find his infantile barbs against the Resistance irritating, this book is a masterpiece in how to live a virtuous life as a trad in today's hell-hole of a world.

16. Phoenix From the Ashes by Henry Sire. Certainly not someone on our wavelength but excellent for those in the position this list is aimed at. First half on the indefectibility of the Church in spite of corruption and scandal; the second on Modernism. Excellent.

17. The 'Integrity Quartet'. My Life with Thomas Aquinas - Raising your Family - Fatherhood - Motherhood. How to live one's life in accordance with Thomistic principles.  All well worth studying and putting into practice.

18. Dressing with Dignity by Colleen Hammond. On the importance of modesty in dress.

19. Beyond Politics by Solange Hertz. A controversial choice no doubt but so much of interest contained in it, even if one may argue with this or that conclusion.

20. As We Are by Sean Johnson. For people to make an informed decision on this matter without having to trawl through the cess-pit of gossip.