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Saturday 17 November 2018

Will the Son of Man still find the Faith on the Earth?

The Popes John XXIII and Paul VI "inspired by the Holy Spirit" had promised us a Conciliar Springtime: we had to open the windows of the old church accused of confining itself to the past, to open to a bright future, that was not going not to fail to achieve the modern Church, adapted, finally, to modern man "king of the Earth and henceforth prince of heaven" (Paul VI on the day after the moon landing), adapted for liberty of conscience, one of the "Rights of Man of 1789" and fruit of "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that will open your eyes and you will be like gods" (Genesis 3: 5), also adapted to the dialogue with the enemies of the Church in order to convert wolves into lambs ... a dialogue which has ended as badly as that of the fable. 

Paul VI had to admit that "after the Council, the smoke of Satan had invaded the Church" but refused to admit the true cause: the Council itself, the Trojan Horse of the ideas of Freemasonry," master stroke of Satan.

 "After sixty years of the Conciliar Religion, the population has become unhooked from religious practice. The youth have turned their backs on it. Priestly vocations have tended to disappear. The churches are abandoned in the hundreds This collapse of the French ecclesiastical fabric is explained by one main cause: the post-conciliar pastoral ministry, its contempt for the tradition of the Church and Faith of  "the old days." Today 25% of ordinations in France are performed under "extraordinary form" and come from religious communities remaining a little or more "faithful" to certain elements or traditional appearances, which are the only things to attract vocations. "From this set of undeniable facts it appears that today there is a Church that lives and a Church that dies". (Extract of "Testimony of a Country Priest)

Those who were at the Council and afterwards, explained to us that Tradition no longer interested anybody and could - or should - be abandoned without harm to the Church, were mistaken! And they deceived the faithful and the priests. Faced with this statement of total bankruptcy how can we not recall that Our Lord and the Apostles  warned us that in the last days will come a general apostasy, that only a very small remnant will resist to this torrent of iniquity: "Will the Son of Man still find the Faith on the Earth? If these days were not shortened, no one would be saved. "(Luke 18, 8) The culmination of this unprecedented catastrophe explodes in the face of these Conciliar prelates with scandals and the concealment of unnatural sins (Romans v. 20-32) in which the highest hierarchy is involved: "Only he who perseveres to the end will be saved." (Matt. 24:13) Until the triumph of
the Heart Immaculate of Mary which She promised us in Fatima, in the meantime, we must remain faithful to our duty and try to do something in the modest measure of the two gifts of the gospel that the Lord has entrusted to us. Like the small guard who does not surrender!

Such is moreover the providential name of the property where the Saint Louis Grignon de Montfort Seminary is currently situated, whichgrows slowly but surely. Thus, two years from now, if God wills, the first ordinations will take place thanks to your inexhaustible generosity. May God and Our Lady give you back a hundredfold, dear benefactors.
 Bishop Jean-Michel Faure SAJM